Healing Angels
Animals Page
Pick an animal (or many), and a session, and heal with us
Aspen - White horse
Diabetes, lame front left leg, possibly laminitis
Sue - Golden brown horse
Infection in front left leg
(Due to the way that this country works in regards to frivolous lawsuits, we have to post disclaimers.)
This site should in no way be construed as actual medicine. Do not assume that the healing done in relation to this site will cure anything. This is spiritual work, which is not currently recognized by western medicine. Maybe one day it will be, but for now, I am not allowed to let you assume that this is real medicine. Any healing that happens as a result of this site must not be confused with recognized pharmaceutical medicine, or doctors. We are not doctors.
There is no way that the site can list all of the people and animals in the world that need healing. It has to stay at a manageable size. We will do what we can to accommodate as many people in need as possible, but there has to be a limit. I suppose we will discover that limit at some point, and draw the line.